The varsity coach may be contacted by emailing:
The team director may be contacted by emailing: VACANT
This team needs a “Team Director” who will serve on the Booster Club Board of Directors.
A “Team Director” is responsible for coordinating all team fundraising, grant making by the club, and website updating for the club. A “Team Director” will be the official spokesperson for the club at team events and be responsible for coordinating club communications with the coaches, players, and parents. A “Team Director” will produce a player roster with member contact information for each team (Varsity, JV, etc). A “Team Director” will be responsible for coordinating and supervising any concession stand and/or admission fee collection (if applicable). A “Team Director” will also be responsible for ensuring a team banquet is held and two team Captains are elected to serve on the Club’s “Council of Captains”. A “Team Director” can spend as little as 15 minutes a month out of season and 30 minutes per month during the season helping ensure the best possible experience for our student-athletes. The term of office is 12 months.
If you are interested in volunteering your time to help the team, please let the Club President know by emailing: